Worlds Colliding – A Weekend Trip to Ohio Amish Country by Nick Mears

I recently traveled to Ohio’s Amish country. Sure, it’s not the typical jet setter trip that lights up one’s social media feed with likes and comments on pictures of exotic locations in distant lands. But still, I find that this trek to a nearby place, one that highlights a very different way of life, to be surprisingly refreshing…

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Viewing History Via A Car Show in Columbus, Ohio by Nick Mears

Just attended the 2018 Classic Auto Show & Cruise-In, which took place in Dublin, Ohio (a suburb of Columbus). Good range of classic cars, ranging from a 90+ year-old Ford to modern-day classics. I always have fun attending these types of events, because you get to see history via a very unique lens: classic cars. A few things popped out at me during this event…

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